Support – Dāna

In accordance with ancient Buddhist traditions, teachers do not expect payment for their offerings of Buddhist teachings (Dharma) and practical training. The vision of Gautama Buddha was that the Dharma should not be traded as a commodity, and should be accessible to all interested people and seekers regardless of their financial situation.

This noble thought has, for centuries, inspired people not only to honour the teachings and teachers directly, but also to support their communities, monasteries and other institutions of contemplative practice.

I am grateful to have been sustained and inspired by such generosity as a student and beneficiary of this understanding for many years, during my own journey in both East and West, equally by teachers who have welcomed and accepted me into their monasteries and centres and offered guidance, as well as by supporters who have made my life possible – while living both as a monastic and non-monastic –, through their kind donations.

The texts, lectures and videos linked here and elsewhere are available for free download in the spirit of this tradition.

In the economic terms of our time, I am an independent author, meditation and Dharma teacher without any grants or institutional support. It is your generosity and solidarity that sustain me – for that I am grateful. I understand your support as an expression of the wish to enable me to continue my work.

Donations are possible via PayPal (you do not need a PayPal account).

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Or by bank transfer:

comdirect bank
Account holder: M. Weber
IBAN: DE52200411440589068600
Please indicate: Donation
(e.g. ‘Support’, ‘Retreat xyz’, ‘Download’ or ‘Talk’)